Photography of Birds – Set # 153

Set # 153

Eastern Bluebird (M)

Eastern Bluebird (M)

Eastern Bluebird (M)

Bluebirds feed by perching on a high point, such as a branch or fence post, and swooping down to catch insects on or near the ground. The availability of a winter food source will often determine whether or not a bird will migrate. If bluebirds do remain in a region for the winter, they group and seek cover in heavy thickets, orchards, or other areas in which adequate food and cover resources are available.

Carolina Wren

Carolina Wren

Carolina Wren

Carolina wrens spend the majority of their time on or near the ground searching for food, or in tangles of vegetation and vines. They also probe bark crevices on lower tree levels, or pick up leaf-litter in order to search for prey. Their diet consists of invertebrates, such as beetles, true bugs, grasshoppers, katydids, spiders, ants, bees, and wasps. Small lizards and tree frogs also make up the carnivorous portion of their diet. Vegetable matter, such as fruit pulp and various seeds, makes up a small percentage of their diet. In the northern portion of their range, they frequent bird feeders.

© HJ Ruiz – Avian101

15 thoughts on “Photography of Birds – Set # 153

  1. Lovely to see these two birds, HJ, and read the accompanying info. Great photos. We don’t have either of these two species in Calif., and it’s a pleasure to see them here, in your photos.

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