What’s Up?…

…Say hello to my little friends!

Without a doubt I can say the most impressive bird of the season are the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds! Why? For many reasons:

They are beautiful, playful, they stuck around in my backyard despite the hurricane Irma. In fact I had 5 of them at one time. They finish 1 bottle of nectar in 3 days. I have seen them almost daily and they don’t spook seeing humans.

Having them longer time this season, allowed me to have a better opportunity to observe them a bit closer in their daily life. Please see next… some things that I learned from them:

  • They are very curious about other bird’s actions as well as  of insects.
  • They are aware of the photographer but they don’t mind the shooting.
  • They are playful with their equals.

    They bump each other in flight, just like playing “tag”!

    © HJ Ruiz – Avian101

12 thoughts on “What’s Up?…

    • It’s very possible. It just called my attention. They are very curious though.They love to hover around other birds and watch what they do. Thank you for sharing Shannon. 🙂

    • You are right 100% my dear…most people are not familiar or close enough to know what amazing creatures the hummingbirds are. Next Tuesday I’ll post a few more facts about these lovely birds. Don’t miss it. Thank you Jet. I appreciate your great comments as always. 🙂

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